Sunday, April 26, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Reflection Reflection

I would like to improve the creativeness and uniqueness of my photographs. I think i could create a deeper meaning for the pictures. For the second semester I may start brining in my digital camera so my pictures are more crisp and clear.

I would give myself a C.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Letter to the Past

Dear younger me,

To succeed in your classes you need to get all of your work done when it is assigned so it doesn't pile up on you. Keep good grades, as it will get you lots of cool things in the future. Take quality pictures, don't rush and take a boring photograph. Photoshop is a very handle tool you can utilize your whole life so use your times wisely and learn every single thing to it.

This photograph I took shows the sun setting over an island. I wanted to get the person in the water to show how big everything is in comparison to one life. You have so many opportunities in the world and that is what I was trying to portray.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Restoring an Old Photograph

The Importance of Art

I believe that this statement is wrong. Not all kids are meant to go work physically. Many kids love art, they love to paint or draw. Creating meaningful pieces of work makes them feel like they have a purpose. The peoples' tax dollars are being spent well when they are invested into the art program. In high school, we shouldn't be getting trained to do something, we should be learning about ourselves and what we like to do personally.

Monday, February 3, 2020

What Art?

1. The first model look like she may be thinking about something. She has a serious look on her face. The second model looks more like she is posing for the portrait.

2. I think these images were created with short choppy strokes with the paint brush. You can see the different colors not blended very well on purpose.

3. No I don't think that the color plays a role in these images. In the first one, blue may play a role if the girl was sad but I don't think thats the case.

4. I think the artist may have been trying to convey passion or seriousness. hey both are very focus on what they are doing.

Purple Daily Dozen

Red Daily Dozen