Monday, December 16, 2019

I feel like my pictures this semester have been fairly good. I may have picked a better subject for each picture but my focus/resolution/color were good. I took quite a few photos and put in the effort needed. I didn't put much planing into my photography, I just kinda took my idea and ran with it. I was very productive throughout the quarter and I was always on time to class. I would like to improve the creativeness and uniqueness of my photographs. I think i could create a deeper meaning for the pictures. For the second semester I may start brining in my digital camera so my pictures are more crisp and clear.

I don't have anything specific I want to do with my photographs.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The image in question is definitely an artistic image. The photographer was trying to portray someone rock climbing on a face. They used photoshop to get the person small enough and they also used photoshop to place them on the face. My interpretation of the image is that it is a bit random. I don't really see much of a meaning other than the literal meaning.

Monday, September 9, 2019

The general premise of this video is try to illustrate how attached people are to their phones.

Yes, this video is affective in conveying its message because it uses a little boy watching people die from walking on their phone and it also shows people at dinner not even paying attention to their date because they're on the phone.

I believe this is a warning to what our society may be leading to. There are a lot of negatives to having a cell phone but their are also a lot of positives that the video left out.