Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Photograph Your Fears


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  2. Nyctophobia looks like a fear of darkness or night. I think this photo successfully displays the fear because it shows that as the sun sets, fear arises. I really like how you made the skull in the corner a little bit faded. One thing you could possibly change would be to make the title of the phobia a little bit bigger to make it stand out more.

  3. This picture is conveying her fear of darkness.
    I feel like this picture is successful conveying her fear. The way i see it is think the skull is representing herself and the fear along with it; the light is representing the need of going to the light.
    I like how you use the contrast of the sunset and the skull in the darkness.
    I feel like you should fade the text in the red part of the sunset.

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  5. I think this fear is the fear of the night. You showed this by having "death" be night (the skull) and the sun looking happy and sunny. This is a very good project because it very well shows the fear, and gives a sense of good and bad which I liked. I think next time you should lighten the photo just a little, because it looks kind of edited.
